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This is where we CHOOSE to uplift and support ambitious women facing adversity just because we can. PERIOD.


Image by Pawel Czerwinski



Mom of Twin Toddler Girls, Makeup Artist, & DomesticViolenceAdvocate. 

Collectively, Sarah's garnered the attention of over half a million followers across social media, nearing 500,000 alone on TikTok @Lashesandlosing.


She's widely known for inspiring women globally with her extraordinary makeup skills, creative transitions, while empowering her self-love and health journey through the expression of makeup.


The catch?

Sarah creates all of this content FOR FREE, while actively trying to escape an unsafe relationship. After the loss of her own mother a little under a year ago, she's determined to get away and make the most of her life.


Between being a full time mom and creating massive amounts of (free) content for her fans she struggles to pay for resources to teach her how to turn this into a steady and growth oriented business. 

lashes and losing

When my mom passed away in 2018, I found her last written words that changed my life forever. In a journal from her hospital room she wrote, "I just wonder if I've done enough yet in my life?"...with her terminal cancer shortening her days. 


In my book, We Can Do Extraordinary Things, I write about this experience in depth, but today, I'll let you know that the main take away was this; discovering that purpose was to help women chase their dreams and walk in their purpose.


My moms suffering mental health, financial struggles as a single mother, lack of healthcare, and domestic violence faced as both a woman and child meant that she'd always dream, give the shirt off her back, but never quite create the life she dreamed of.


She was a phenomenal cook. A homemade, self-taught chef, if you will. She always wanted a restaurant, a catering business, and so much more. Instead, she was a nurse for 25 years before her 3rd bout with cancer ended her story too soon.


There are so many what if's for her that linger in my mind, but I can't do anything about that. What I can do, is create this platform and give women the hand up my mother always needed. To help them get AHEAD and not just get by.

In fact, I built this to specifically be EXTRA. For those who faced adversity of any kind know that it's not about about talented you are or how hard you're willing to work. There are extenuating circumstances that impact the lives of women every day that they have no control over.


As women who make the impossible happen, women who always get back up again, I for one, am ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work for women daring to change their lives.


It's time to stop watching our fellow ambitious women take hit after hit, expecting them to suck it up. This is NOT the space for that energy. This is for those who wish to help but not sure how, or how to make it count. Collectively, we can make a bigger impact in the lives of women.


You're truly witnessing my passion and purpose project coming to fruition after years of dreaming. 


I'm creating a space where empowered women, truly, can come to empower women. I'm here to connect us all. This is my new baby and is just starting out, but empowerment should go beyond T-shirts and hashtags, am I right? So, what do we do?


We can raise funds and donate resources for women to take foundational steps out of adversity and into their wildest ambitions.


For the first year, one woman will be chosen per quarter. She will receive FREE life & business coaching, branding, digital marketing services from Coach Curator, while I simultaneously generate funding for her transition. A woman will only be chosen once and can apply her funds to their business, as well as their livelyhood to transition and create a better life for themselves, and their families.


This is not a handout. This is a hand UP.


-Jessica Mejia


"You can always tell who the strong women are...They spend more time building others up, instead of tearing them down."

Life Coach For Women

But where does my money really go?



When a featured Ambitious Woman is posted all funds during that campaign ONLY go to the recipient.

Do you have other resources you'd like to donate?

Ambitious Women recipients are all women in business, but businesses vary as well as resources for growth. If you believe you have a resource that could be highly beneficial to a woman, and likely mother, in business, please leave a message here!


The next Ambitious Woman will be chosen on January 1st, 2023!

Thanks for being willing to give back, you'll be contacted within 7 business days.

Do you know an Ambitious Woman who could use a hand UP?

Whether it's you or someone you know, please take the time to send a message with who they are, and why you believe they should be chosen.


The next Ambitious Woman will be chosen on January 1st, 2023!

Thank you for taking the time to submit!

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